Shea Butter

Nokware Moringa African Black Soap Cleanser (150ml)

$ 5.84

Did you know the Moringa plant has been used by our African ancestors for many years? The combination of Moringa oil and Ginger is rich in Vitamin C and A, which makes them great for evening out skin tone, fading black spots and improving the skin’s natural complexion to reveal glowing, radiant skin.

HotFro Shea Mix with Shea Butter and Coconut Oil (250ml)

$ 2.06

Hotfro Shea Mix contains pure shea which is rich in Vitamin A and E thereby repairing damaged and split ends as well. It adds moisture to dry, brittle, dull, lifeless hair. It softens, conditions and overall beautifies your hair. Shea butter adds all of these awesome benefits to your hair, without leaving it greasy and heavy. It restores moisture to hair that has been damaged from chemical hair treatments, blow dryers, straighteners and other hair tools that cause damage to your hair.